Analysis Plus Artist Program

Analysis Plus Artist Program

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Over the years, many extraordinary artists from around the world have been proud users of Analysis Plus cables and our other high-end audio products. We’re happy to list quite a few of them below in alphabetical order. The names below that are bolded represent currently active Artists and are linked to their respective Artist Portfolio pages as we continue to add more of them. Interested in becoming an AP Artist? Click here >>


Mike Adkins
Kris Allen
Ryan Atkinson
Chris Autry


Robert Baker
Mark Bayoff
Bill Bell
Tab Benoit
Scott Bernard

Ron Block
Deanna Bogart
Richard Bona
Isaac Brock
Aden Bubeck
Tom Bukovac
Prince Bulo
Emily Burak
Mark Burch

Izaac Burkhart


Kala’e Camarillo
Alex Campos
Yves Carbonne
Clinton Carpenter
Paul Carrack
Jack Casady
Henri Cash
Ryan Cavanaugh

Craig Chee & Sarah Maisel

Tyler Chiarelli
Mike Childers
Mark Chilers
Benny Chong
David Cleveland
Jon Coleman
Kevin Collier
Colin Cripps


Rob Dakiniewich
Matt Dahlberg

Kenny Daniels
Juan Pablo Daza
Jimmy Deeghan
Dominique DiPiazza
Vitaly Duinin


Cassady Feasby
Joshua Fineberg
Jamelle Fraley
Brandon Fraley
David Freeman
Marty Friedman
Kris Fuchigami


David Garcia
Robert Glinski
Mark “Kevin” Grantt
Billy Gunther & The Midwest Riders
Tina Guo

Leonardo Guzman


Ryan Haas
Jimmy Haslip
Hunter Hayes
The HawtThorns
Josh Henson
Jimmy Herman
Russ Hewitt
Johnny Hiland
Phil Hilborne
Mike Hill
Dan Hochhalter
Tat Holler
Peter Holstrom
Nick Hosford
Byron House
Jedd Hughes


Jamie Ice
Ira Ingber


Justin James
Eliott Janz
John Jeansonne
Chad Jeffers
Jeff Jenkins


Mika Kane
Julien Kasper
Yogo Kohno
Jason Kott


Abe Laboriel
Abe Lagrimas, Jr
Tommy Lee
Bennett Lewis
Kenny Loggins
Mike Love
Josh Lozada


Keith Marks
John Mayer
Leon Medica
Jeremy Meek
Jonathan Mikail
Adam Miller
Cale Mills
Michael Modeste
Andrew Molina
Joseph Patrick Moore
Billy Moran
Jake Morelli
Jessica Munn


Cody Nadeau
Shun Ng


Brian Oaks
Sal Olivery
Máximo Olmedo


Brittni Paiva
Phil Palombi
Chris Plante
Joshua Craig Podolsky


Danny Rader
Simon Ratcliffe
Rich Redmon
Kipp Reed
Matt Reiere
Brad Rice
Justin Richards
Ron Robinson

Rich Rodriguez

Rick Rosasa
Zack Runquist


Igor Saavedra
Tetsuo Sakurai
Ivan Santiago
Kevin Scott

Derick Sebastian

Masanori Sera
Jake Shimabukuro

Blaise Sison

Rotem Sivan
Solon Smith
Jack Sonni
Emmanuel Sotela
Buddy Strong
Peter Stroud
KC Styles
Dave Swift


Nathan Tasker
Jason “Malletman” Taylor
Jimmy Thackery
Steven Thompson
Shawn Tubbs


Masaki Ueda


Jaime David Vazquez
Luis Vega
Dino Villanueva


Tyler Ward
Alex Weeden
Jermaine Williams
Piotr Wójcicki
Marcus Wolf
Kapono Wong