Become an Analysis Plus Studio Partner
Introducing the Analysis Plus Studio Partner Program. Our high-end Pro Audio cables have been a favorite of many studio operators around the world. Based on the interest we have received from a number of studios to have some kind of involvement with our Artist Program, we are launching this separate program designed specifically for studios and production companies.
This new program functions much like the current Artist Program in both structure and operation, but it is designed specifically to provide mutually beneficial exposure and promotion, as well as special considerations on our cables that we think you’ll like. We are building Studio Profile pages (like our Artist Profile pages), a studio index and more, which we will be promoting on social media and other channels in the near future.
We are taking applications right now and will unveil the full section shortly. In the meantime, if you would be interested in being part of this program at launch, please fill out the form below and we will follow up with you accordingly with more details about benefits and expectations. We look forward to hearing from you.